Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Brazil On A Budget

Soon to host the World Cup and Olympics, Brazil has the third fastest growing economy in the world. So, when you're planning your Brazil trip, it begs the question- is it possible to travel to Brazil on a tight shoe-string budget?...YES IT IS!
Brazil is not a cheap country when compared to, for instance, anywhere in Asia. So, if you're organising a Brazil holiday but your budget is a little tight, then some careful planning will be required. But don't let this put you off. All you need to know is where to look and how to travel in order to save the cash, and then the fun can commence as you embark upon your very special (budget) Brazil travel experience!
Whether, during your trip to Brazil, you're staying in the country's bustling capital, Rio, a small beach town in the north, or tucked away in a hidden village on the edge of the Amazon, hostels are usually a cheaper alternative to hotel accommodation and can be found all over Brazil.
The key to finding the cheapest accommodation during your Brazil trip is to shop around. Try heading into 3-5 places and ask for the price (whilst also checking out the facilities), this way you'll know which one offers the best value for money.
A little tip: Don't just opt for the most popular place in the guidebook. Why? Anyone else with the same guidebook as you will probably be heading there too, so costs are likely to be high. Instead, to keep the accommodation costs of your Brazil trip low, why not check out places just a few streets back for vacancies? A hostel right on Copacabana beach will obviously cost more than one tucked 10 minutes' walk away.
Food is one of the simplest ways to save cash during your low-cost Brazil holiday - all you need to do is avoid restaurants. Instead, you could head to the local markets and sample the street food cooked on barbeques (not only is this cheap, but it's pretty much always tasty). If you do want to indulge in a sit-down meal during your Brazil trip, then restaurants that offer set menus are always the best priced. This way, you'll get a 2 or 3 course meal that will fill you up for a fraction of the price of a standard meal. It's worth noting that Western restaurant chains such as McDonald's, though seen easy and convenient (especially on the days you crave a bit of normality), can actually be quite costly and not great quality.
A really important money-saving tip, no matter what you're buying or where you are in the world, is to barter, barter, barter. A life skill for any seasoned traveller, bartering is another great way to tighten the purse strings during your low-cost budget Brazilian break. The most effective way of putting this useful skill into practice during your holiday in Brazil, is to make sure that you keep the negotiation cheeky without being rude or taking the micky (because don't forget, the seller has to make a living as well!). In the past, I've heard people quibble over the difference of a few pence when there really is no need. Obviously, you should only pay what you think the item is worth to you, but paying a little extra can make all the difference to the shop keeper and even if it doesn't to you.
If you're after souvenirs during your Brazil travels, you might find that the cost of what you want is hard to lower (aforementioned bartering skills required). If you really want quality, the way to save the cash is by shipping them home (unless you can carry them of course) as shipping costs are so low in comparison to flights or using DHL etc. It may take around three months for them to arrive, but as you're travelling, you won't be in a rush.
All in all, I have to say that the very best way to save money throughout your Brazil trip is to travel by night bus. This way, not only do you get to travel without any effort, but you can save the cost of a hostel as well. Granted, you may not sleep as soundly on a bus as you might on a mattress, but the money you can save is surprising and can really help you ensure that your Brazil travel experience is a cheap one. Simply by taking a few night buses, you'll find that the savings are considerable and can make a real difference to the cost of your Brazil holiday.
From Copacabana to Bahia Turtle beach. Catch your breath at Devil's throat, discover caimans in the Amazon jungle, explore the Pantanal wetlands and hike on foot through Diamond Canyon. Build your own trip with Brazil Travel Plan.
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